Tuesday, October 2, 2012


i intrested with this word..those who forget history will repeat it again..why?? firstly i want to relate this word to nowadays situation..example in MALAYSIA..there two diffrent party in malaysia PAS and UMNO.the leader is chosen based on democracy system..i think it not suitable since this is islamic country and prophet mohamad not using democracy but "khalifah".. this system proves that those country modern and no fight since the leader is chosen based on majlis syura..example during saidina abu bakar, umar ,uthman and ali..Medina is trnsform to be one of the modern country in only one century..but we never remember it and take it as one example..when using democracy system it will create dividers because some people want this party to become goverment and other party become opposition..so they cannot share and idea to develop the country but they critics other party and weaken them..it my opinion..bye