Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Coz we are all brothers... and that turns fire into ice; a pure crystal of ice. It happens to be a really big deal to me. So please do remember and do be honest, coz sometimes I may easily disappointed for an undeniable minute issue and after all, it is not easy to rebuild everything back to normal. I ask no more. Perhaps I’m not an important subject, so why bother, inst it? At least I'll not doing something onto other what will cause paint if done to me. Why this so called connection is too expensive to gain, yet too paint to maintain? Ok, let me put it like this so that everything will be fine and it'll always like this; I'm the one who is extraordinary sensitive and the only one who should be blamed is me, no one else. Hm.... cut it off...

keghairahan yang hilang..

Kenapa keghairahan itu hilang? Anak-anak dilahirkan dengan curiosity untuk mengetahui dan mendalami sesuatu perkara. Perhatikan gelagat mereka ketika kanak-kanak, keghairahan ini mula musnah apabila memasuki sistem persekolahan baik di pra sekolah, sekolah rendah atau menengah. Ia dimusnahkan secara perlahan-lahan oleh konsep pendidikan sempit 'education for the exam'. Mereka yang masih ghairah untuk belajar adalah mereka yang ada sifat untuk berlumba atau menonjol dalam peperiksaan. Keghairahan palsu ini akan terbukti bila mana pelajar tidak lagi belajar apabila ia terjatuh dalam peperiksaan ditempat baru. Ketika di sekolah rendah dia top ten tetapi kegagalan berada di top-ten di sekolah SBP/ MRSM dll. terus mematikan keghairahan ini. Keghairahan sejati bukan dipengaruhi oleh faktor luaran tetapi faktor dalaman walaupun tidak dinafikan faktor dalaman dipengaruhi sedikit sebanyak oleh faktor luaran. Contohnya jika pembelajaran yang terjadi tidak bersifat 'meaningful learning' yang gagal memberi makna dan matlamat pembelajaran dan tidak menimbul/ meransang keghairahan selanjutnya, juga akan memusnahkan keghairahan. Ketika disekolah rendah kita lihat 'taugeh itu menghala ketingkap untuk tumbuh' tidak dighairahkan dengan keperluan untuk melakukan fotosintisis, tidak dighairahkan dengan permasalahan manusia seperti ' kita akan mati kebuluran sekiranya taugeh ini tidak bertindak demikian, begitu qada' dan qadar tuhan'. Jika ini terjadi keghairahan itu akan berpanjangan, tetapi apa yang terjadi adalah ' dalam bab ini soalan peperiksaan yang selalu ditanya ialah.....' Untuk mereka yang sedar walau pada usia buluh ini, belajarlah kerana tanggung jawab, kerana ibadat, kerana perjuangan, kerana.......... dan sememangnya tidak seronok berbanding kerana keghairahan. Komen anda

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Crime: Woman Abusing Toddler

I believe almost all of us have seen the clip of a woman abusing a toddler. If we are to choose a word to describe her violence, we may say "cruel or inhumane" or some other words you could think. When I watched the clip, I said "stupid woman". Police report was lodged and the woman had been arrested. In one point we could see the benefit of social network - preventing the crime - does it sound good? If it is not because of the clip being circulated on Facebook, watched by Facebookers, thing might be worse for the baby. It was reported that the woman was found guilty under Section 31 (1) of the Child Act 2001 and sentence to 18-months imprisonment. Section 31 (1) of the Act reads as follow: 31. (1) A ny person who, being a person having the care of a child— (a) abuses, neglects, abandons or exposes the child in a manner likely to cause him physical or emotional injury or causes or permits him to be so abused, neglected, abandoned or exposed; or (b) sexually abuses the child or causes or permits him to be so abused, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or to both. Technorati Tags: cruel woman,cruel mother,cruel mother abusing her baby,baby beatem by mother,child abuse,child abuse in malaysia,child act 2001,section 31 of the child act 2001,poor child abused by mother,malaysian child act

Crime: Burnt Down the House For RM10

He burnt down his family's house because his demand for RM10 so that he could buy drug was denied by his father. The say that drugs are your enemies, undisputed. I don't think he would burn down the house if he is no drug addict. The news is reported in Berita Harian today, He just 22 years old and unless he comes back to right path, he will paint the black color to his future. Life is destroyed because of drugs, non-contested, most people will agree unless you're currently drug addicts. Please, keep your families and friends from drug abuse. It does no good to anybody or anything.